Applying to ToL

We welcome you to apply to Tree of Life Preschool! Completing an online application is the first step to enrolling your child for pre-school here. The application process consists of completing the form, submitting a non-refundable application fee of $100 and reading through the information provided. We accept applications throughout the year.

Our school year runs roughly from August until June. Children must be three to five years old and be toilet-proficient by the first day of school.

If you would like to enroll your child in the next available school year, staff will contact you in the spring (early-March) with the next steps of completing the enrollment contract. Upon receiving the enrollment contract, you will have two weeks to follow the link provided and complete the contract with a non-refundable deposit of 10% of the annual tuition. If we do not receive the signed enrollment contract by the due date, we may offer the slot to another student. Please note that our available slots fill fast, and we maintain a waitlist for future enrollment years.

Current students and alumni families with siblings returning to Tree of Life Preschool, followed by members of Congregation Kol Shalom, receive priority enrollment. Applications are accepted and maintained in a waitlist “pool.” Meaning that we pull applicants according to slots available each year. We do our best to place your child in the time slot you indicated on the application. If we are unable to do so, we will contact you to offer alternate openings.

Tuition for our calendar year may be paid annually or monthly (15 th of each month.) Each family is responsible for tuition regardless of the child’s attendance. Tuition is not reduced for days Tree of Life is closed or for canceled classes; there are no make-up classes. No adjustments to tuition will be made unless the student is admitted after school begins for the school year. In this case, prorated tuition will be applied. If siblings are enrolled at Tree of Life Preschool, we will apply a $200 discount to each additional sibling’s yearly tuition.